Newly Designed Solar Cells Achieve 23.61% Efficiency
2024-05-16 10:56Newly Designed Solar Cells Achieve 23.61% Efficiency
Researchers have recently enhanced the durability and function of organic-inorganic perovskite solar panels by utilizing a technique known as bandgap grading. Altering the layer’s thickness and properties allowed the panels' perovskite absorber layer to capture a wider spectrum of light. This customization of bandgap fosters a varying bandgap/affinity across the absorber layer's depth, thus boosting the solar panel's performance.
In tests conducted under standard lighting scenarios, the new solar panel design achieved a 23.61% power conversion efficiency with a parabolic grading approach and 21.68% with a linear grading scheme. Further experiments indicated that the efficiency could climb above 24% by substituting the traditionally used Electron Transport Layer (ETL) and Hole Transport Layer (HTL) materials with tin oxide (SnO2) and PEDOT:PSS, respectively.
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